Monday, April 9, 2012

No more flip flops...

I have done my fair share of walking around the city yesterday (Sunday) and did some shopping at the supermarket down the street to pick up essentials for the apartment. By essentials, I mean snack! lol!!!

 On my way to the supermarket and while wandering around the city, I realized that HK-ers don't wear flip flops! You don't see people wearing flip flops on the street! If you do, it's obvious that those people are tourists. Interesting eh?

I spent the rest of the day with Auntie Sophia and her family having Dim Sum and playing Majong. My favorite meal of the day was dinner with boiled shrimp and an oyster casserole. I ate and brought back a bunch of foods Auntie Sophia gave me. The peanuts are garlic flavored! ridiculously good!


  1. Yea ppl in Asia just aren't casual in footwear department unless they're "country" as we call it in Taiwan. Yay for Aunt Sophie and supermarket shopping for snacks and other essentials!

  2. lol. From now on, we'll call them 'country'! I live in a touristy area with lots of 'country' people.

  3. you were a fob in HK...
