Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Falling behind...

Ok, I'm falling behind on my blog posts. OOPs!!!! Work is actually picking up so I've been sneaking out early. People are starting to think that I'm another HK employee who works super late. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For lunch...this was my $35 HKD meal. Fish Noodle soup near work

Today I had Peking style hot pot. It's got a giant metal tube with coals inside to heat the pot.

I promise my blog won't all be about food next time :-) I hope you lamb lovers are proud of me. I had lamb dumplings AND lamb meat!


  1. That's one giant fish! And hilarious that the 2 across from you are both on their phones. What, Asians don't take opportunity to make the V sign anymore?

  2. Is everyone like glued to their phone? haha
